Equator Snow Lodge

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5 years ago
+256701 563437, +255414258273 / +256392260758

Geo Lodges will propel you further and higher on your quest for the ideal African vacation. Equator Snow Lodge is conveniently located at the Rwenzori Mountains' entryway, where the road ends and the mountain begins.

For the first time, a premium lodge has been created in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, next to the Mubuku River and surrounded by the Rwenzori Mountains' outstanding eco-system.

Equator Snow is a fantastic destination for experienced mountaineers, casual trekkers, and regular travelers. Working in close collaboration with the Raboni Community and Rwenzori Mountaineering Services, Equator Snow Lodge can organize a variety of mountaineering activities, ranging from guided mountain walks with low endurance hikes to mountain peak climbing for the technically competent. You might choose to simply rest and relax at Equator Snow Lodge, which has spacious mountain cottages and wooden terraces designed for comfort and relaxation.

The Rwenzori Mountains have been designated a World Heritage Site. As a result, the public café, lounge, and other areas are themed around the history of the Rwenzori Mountains, with displays featuring major historical illustrations.

Come and discover the tale that has enveloped the Mountains of the Moon, as they were termed by Greek historians over two millennia ago.

Business Location Equator Snow Geo Lodge, Rwenzori Mountains National Park Benito Juarez, Western Region, Uganda

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