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5 years ago
+256312294894, +256773447343

Fort Murchison, located on the eastern banks of the slow-flowing Albert Nile, creates the image of a well-kept remote stronghold from a time when Arab traders frequented the African hinterlands and renowned explorers led journeys to find the Nile's source. Fort Murchison offers 12 ensuite flats with big bedrooms with comfy mattresses, bathrooms with countertop basins and showers, plenty of hot water from solar heaters, private balconies... The atmosphere is a combination of African elegance and Swahili culture.

Aside from the main accommodations, Fort Murchison provides a more affordable option in the shape of some non-self contained tents. The tents are furnished with two single beds and share common ablution blocks. Fort Murchison is located in the former Aswa Lolim Game Reserve, just outside the northern boundary of Murchison Falls National Park. The proximity to Tangi Gate makes it an ideal starting point for game drives through the park.

Business Location Fort Murchinson, Pakwach, Former Aswa Lolim Game reserve - 5 km from Tangi gate outside Fort Murchinson National Park Castelli, Northern Region, Uganda

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