Lodge Bella Vista

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5 years ago
+256773204364, +256701508462, +256700631008

Lodge Bellavista is situated on the rim of Nyamiteza's crater lake, which is one of the 25 craters that go from Fort Portal to Kasese. You can see them well on Google Earth. Kasunganyanja village, located 40 kilometers from Fort Portal on the road heading to Queen Elizabeth National Park, is where you should turn left. Proceed for less than 2 kilometers till you reach Lodge Bella Vista. The most appealing feature of the resort is its proximity to the lake within the crater on one side and the view of Rwenzori Mountain on the other, all set in a lush green landscape.

The lodge is located on Uganda's most important tourist road, and a stopover to spend the night or for lunch is an excellent opportunity for a tourist traveling from Murchison Falls to Fort Portal and the National Parks to the south, such as Kibaale Forest, which is famous for its chimps, Rwenzori National Park, and Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Business Location Lodge Bella Vista, Kasunganyanja, Bunyangabu District Capilla del Senor, Western Region, Uganda

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