Durch Theeyeug
0 796
4 Jahre zuvor
Pakwach, Former Aswa Lolim Game reserve - 5 km from Tangi gate outside Fort Murchinson National Park
+256 312294894

Fort Murchinson is set on the Eastern banks of the slow flowing Albert Nile, Fort Murchison revokes the idea of a well maintained isolated outpost from times where Arab traders frequented the African hinterlands and legendary explorers led expeditions in search of the source of the Nile. This was the metaphor coming to mind when we set foot on this beautiful spot. The concept of Fort Murchison was born…

FORT MURCHISON is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Lodges and Accommodation. FORT MURCHISON is located: Pakwach, Former Aswa Lolim Game reserve - 5 km from Tangi gate outside Fort Murchinson National Park. You can call +256 312294894 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in LODGES.

Product Location Pakwach, Former Aswa Lolim Game reserve - 5 km from Tangi gate outside Fort Murchinson National Park Castelli, Northern Region, Uganda

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