IMC Jinja (IHK)

卖家: Theeyeug
0 850
4 年前
IMC Jinja (IHK), 36B Rippon Gardens, Jinja, Uganda
(043) 4122499

IMC Jinja (IHK), 36B Rippon Gardens, Jinja

IMC Jinja (IHK) is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Physiotherapists and Health & Wellness. IMC Jinja (IHK) is located: IMC Jinja (IHK), 36B Rippon Gardens, Jinja, Uganda. You can call (043) 4122499 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, CLINICS, CLINICS (OUTPATIENT) - JINJA, MANUAL & SPORT - JINJA .

Product Location IMC Jinja (IHK), 36B Rippon Gardens, Jinja, Uganda Baradero, Eastern Region, Uganda



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