Gorilla Valley Lodge

卖家: Theeyeug
0 694
4 年前
near Rushaga, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
(041) 4200221
A long cherished dream of an Africa enthusiast came true in 2013: The Establishment of the lodge in the South of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest NP. Gorilla Valley Lodge is situated at the southern edge of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park on a hill near Rushaga, close to Rushaga Uganda Wildlife station.\n\nGorilla Valley Lodge a ‘medium range hotel’, consists of 12 rooms, with spacious private bathrooms, Toilets, Dining/Waiting area beautifully situated in lowland evergreen Forest allowing breathtaking views of the African Eden, rich with wildlife and at a close distance the majestic Virunga Volcanoes. Every room has been lovingly furnished with twin beds and decorated in a modern retro style.

Gorilla Valley Lodge is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Lodges and Accommodation. Gorilla Valley Lodge is located: near Rushaga, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. You can call (041) 4200221 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in LODGES - BWINDI SOUTHERN PART.

Product Location near Rushaga, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda



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