Dich Comfort Hotel

卖家: Mondi
0 1210
4 年前

You are welcome at DICH COMFORT HOTEL LIMITED. We launched on January 15, 2016, and our facilities are clean and fresh.

The hotel is situated in the rapidly developing neighbourhood of Bar Dege division (Airport division), Gulu municipality. It is approximately 300 metres from the city of Gulu and adjacent to "Ker Kal Kwaro pa Acholi,"  the Palace of the Acholi tribe's Paramount Chief.

The most convenient way to get to the hotel is to take a motorbike taxi, known locally as a "bodaboda." It is located close to a local market called "Cuk Wigot" in Kanyagoga.

We guarantee that you will receive the greatest hospitality services in Gulu municipality for half the market price.

Come experience the comfort and beauty of living in Gulu's sanctuary.

Amenities & Services

  • Free Wi-Fi access 
  • intercoms in rooms
  • Bar & restaurant
  • Air-conditioned rooms
  • Hot water
  • DSTV on flat-screen TVs
  • Garden
  • Conference
  • Parking
Product Location Dich confort hotel, Gulu Ayacucho, Northern Region, Uganda



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