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2 months ago

About our school

Victorious Primary School Mukono (Ebenezer) is a private day and boarding school for pu-pils aged 3 to 14 years. We provide an all round education so that all pupils can achieve their full potential academically, physically, spiritually and socially.

We do admit children from the age of two and a half years onwards. Parents are encouraged to bring children for registration then the children are interviewed and there after admitted.

Registration Requirements:

A parent/guardian needs to bring the following requirements during registration

Note: Transport is charged according to the stage/route.

Boarding Admission Requirements 

Admission Requirements for Victorious Primary School- Mukono Boarding;

  • Photocopy of the birth certificate.
  • Photocopy of the immunization card.
  • 3 passport photographs
  • Registration fee 50,000/=
  • Medical report from a recognized medical doctor.

We teach children to have a personal relationship with God at an early age. We teach them how to pray and to depend on God always

We teach children life skills and livelihood skills. This enables them acquire problem solving skills, decision making skills, creative skills, communication skills, emotional management skills, friendship formation skills among others.

In order to have our children interact with others globally we teach languages such as Chinese.

We teach children values that can enable them live right in society.

Business Location VICTORIOUS PRIMARY SCHOOL MUKONO, Mbalala, Mukono, Uganda

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