Circle of Peace School

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2 months ago

About our school

Circle of Peace School is supported in part by Circle of Peace International, a US-based 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2010 to assist Circle of Peace School in meeting the educational needs of its students.

The mission of Circle of Peace School is to educate nursery and primary students (regardless of their families' ability to pay school fees), through balanced academic and social pursuits, nurturing reverent, hardworking, and disciplined individuals.

The Ugandan Ministry of Education licensed Circle of Peace School in 1997. The school complies with all national standards and its students do well on required national tests.


The school receives no government funding. It is supported by the selfless commitment of the Bbaale family, headed by Amina Bbaale. Five of her daughters and three of her sons and other relatives either work at the school or provide for it financially. Families of the students contribute what they can toward their child’s education, and the school generates income from poultry and maize farms.

Business Location Circle of Peace School, Mobutu Road, Mubaraka-Kanisa Road, Kampala, Uganda

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