Paintball Kamooflage

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5 years ago

If you're in Kampala and looking for something to do this weekend, paintball should suffice. While paintball is not well-known throughout the city, it has a devoted following that take advantage of any opportunity to shoot paint at one another.

Paintball is a game that simulates battles using markers (weapons) that shoot colored paint balls. The game works best with two sides portraying opposing sides on a battleground. The 'war' should be 'fought' according to the rules of the grounds where it is taking place.

Families are encouraged to participate in paintball since it is nice 'clean' fun. Campers have also been known to gather at Kamooflage for a day of fights and loud laughter.

The traditional paintball game is Capture the Flag. The two teams in contention attempt to enter their opponents' zone and steal their flag.

Each team appoints a leader who will devise a strategy to assure the team's victory. All players then try to shoot the opposing team members while being careful not to get shot themselves. In most games, one hit to your 'armour' means you're out, as it represents getting shot on the battlefield.

There is an umpire who oversees the game and calls players out. Some variations require the player to announce that they have been shot and then make their way off the field.

The game is safe, and no injuries have been reported in Kampala yet, however players may complain of bruising if fired at close range. Players must wear protective equipment (masks, goggles, vests) and face masks given at the sites to ensure that no errant paint stains their clothes or goes into their eyes. Players are recommended to wear long-sleeved shirts and jeans.

Even though this is a safe game, it is considered as an extreme activity and may result in minor scrapes and bruises. However, the regulations are stringent, and there is an umpire who will intervene and halt the game if anyone is injured or if they believe something has to be stopped.

Players aged six and up are admitted, and each activity has a separate cost. Players under 13 years old pay 20,000 UGX for 'Mission Impossible' and 15,000 UGX for target practice. Adults pay 25,000 UGX per team game. Group pricing is also available.

Business Location Paintball Kamooflage, Wavamunno Road, Munyonyo, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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