Boat Trips - Wild Frontiers

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5 years ago
+256414321479, +256772721479

Boat Trips

Boat Trips is a business in Uganda listed under the category of Things to Do with Kids.

Boat Trips is located: Boat Entebbe, Uganda. You can call (041) 4321479 or send us a message [email protected] 

Uganda Safari with Wild Frontiers

We are happy to operate in Uganda, one of East Africa's fastest expanding and most interesting, diverse safari locations, providing year-round travel options. Uganda provides several options for a once-in-a-lifetime safari, including primate viewing, such as tracking wild mountain gorillas or chimps through the rain forests. Big game safaris on the savannah, incredible bird watching, and fishing the Nile in Murchison Falls National Park or Lake Victoria. Climbing to the snow in the Moon Mountains, rafting the untamed Nile River, or seeing Uganda's breathtaking scenery and kind, inviting culture; all are available with untamed Frontiers Uganda Safaris.

Business Location Wild Frontiers, Plot 76 B Nakiwogo Rd, Entebbe Belen de Escobar, Central Region, Uganda

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