KD Apartments

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5 years ago

Welcome to KD Apartments, a living place that reflects the urban elegance offering great value for your money and conveniently located in Seguku. The apartments are designed to fit families, holiday makers, those on honey moon and those who need a piece of mind among others. The apartments have two bed rooms, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Its located 1.5Km off Entebbe Rd as to branch off to seguku-jomayi road, opposite fresh cuts main branch.

KD Apartments is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Apartments and Accommodation. KD Apartments is located: Kampala, Central Region, Uganda. You can call 257000000000 or send us a message  .  For years we have been the best in APARTMENTS - KAMPALA,  ACCOMMODATION - KAMPALA.

Business Location KD Apartments, Seguku- Katale, Kampala. Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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