Elizabeth Apartments

By Admin
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5 years ago
+256 772 443355
Guests of Kampala will have a nice stay at Elizabeth Royal apartment.\r\n\r\nThis property is set 1.9 km from Independence Monument. It is set about 1.4 km away from The Acacia Mall. The restaurant Fame Restaurant & Lounge is 5 minutes\u2019 walk away. Elizabeth Royal apartment is within reach of Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary.\r\n\r\nEntebbe International airport is a 39-minute car journey away.

Elizabeth Apartments is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Apartments and Accommodation. Elizabeth Apartments is located: Bukoto Rise, Naguru, Kampala. You can call +256 772 443355 or send us a message . For years we have been the best in APARTMENTS - NAGURU.

Business Location Bukoto Rise, Naguru, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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