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4 years ago

Jolly Nursery and Primary School is based on faith in God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
The school is a non-partisan and non-government school specifically dedicated to offering affordable and quality education to all children within Uganda, particularly in Sironko district, to enhance social and economic development in Sironko and around Uganda.

JOLLY NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL is a business in Uganda listed under the Other Categories. JOLLY NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL is located: Jolly Nursery and primary school. You can call or send us a message at [email protected] .

For years, we have been the best UP-COUNTRY, SIRONKO, NURSERY, AND PRIMARY SCHOOL.

Business Location Jolly Nursery and primary school, Santu Road , Sironko Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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