Gulu Churchill Courts Hotel Ltd

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5 years ago
+256471432245, +256777764409

Gulu Churchill Courts Hotel Limited is a family-owned, professionally managed company limited by shares that was founded in November 2002 and began operations with an initial 12 rooms. It formally grew to a hotel with 38 rooms in December 2008, and it has been professionally managed for the past 13 years. The company was founded to provide hotel-related services such as meeting spaces, housing, a bar, a restaurant, and a fitness club. Over the years, the company's Gulu hotel has established itself as the top choice for both locals and international visitors. As a family-owned business, we want our guests to become part of our community and experience the warmth of Ugandan hospitality.Churchill Courts Hotel will go above and beyond to make you feel like you are part of a family and a better community.

Over 20 years of fighting in northern Uganda have left the region completely destroyed. Many lives were lost, and millions were displaced. There were no jobs or infrastructure to support expansion and provide employment. The future of young people was left uncertain. It was clear that we, the survivors, would bear the majority of the responsibility for rebuilding our town and empowering its people. Established in 2002, Gulu Churchill Courts Hotel (GCCH) received a loan from the East African Development Bank in 2006, allowing us to develop and adapt from a three-bedroom bungalow to a 38-bed hotel that now employs over 60 people, half of whom are women.

In addition to educating and developing local capacity and creating job prospects in post-war northern Uganda, we place a strong emphasis on sustainability. Our chefs use only Ugandan products, which benefits farmers and local markets in Gulu and the surrounding areas. We are extremely delighted to see GCCH expand over the years and welcome intrepid travelers, business guests, and visitors from all over the world.

We are also located near some of Africa's top game parks. Murchison Falls National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park are one and three hours' drives from Gulu, respectively.

Business Location Churchill Courts Hotel Limited, Plot 16B Upper Churchill Drive, Gulu Ayacucho, Northern Region, Uganda

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