Aptech Computer Education

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5 years ago
+256776489590, +256759009481

Aptech Computer Education, 22 Entebbe Road, Conrad Plaza, 1st Floor, Kampala.

Aptech Computer Education is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Computer School and Education. Aptech Computer Education is located at 22 Entebbe Road, Kampala, Central Region, Uganda. You can call or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in COMPUTER SCHOOL - KAMPALA.


Aptech is a Global Learning Solutions Company with a presence spanning 52 countries across five continents. Having trained over 7 million individuals till date, Aptech continues to play a key role in helping individuals and organizations adapt to the changing requirements of a knowledge-driven world.

Aptech commenced its operations in Uganda in 1999 and, over the years, has trained over 17,000 students in East Africa. Our students across the world are mostly employed in Fortune 500 companies globally.

Our unwavering passion for excellence has ensured consistently superior standards in delivering a world-class curriculum. Aptech was the first IT Training and Education Organization in Asia to receive the ISO 9001:2000 certification for Education Support Services and is also certified under ISO 27001. Also, our content development conforms to SCORM 2000 standards.

The institute provides a wide variety of career, professional, short-term and certification courses, designed by our expert academicians after careful market study and research. All our efforts are geared towards preparing our students for tomorrow’s top technology jobs.

At Aptech, we also appreciate that no two people learn the same way. To help you meet your training objectives, we have also incorporated ‘Blended Learning', which integrates Instructor-Led-Training (ILT), Computer-based training (CBT) and web-based training (WBT) to ensure greater effectiveness with higher learner value and impact


  • Credit Transfers To University Degree Programs
  • NCHE Accredited
  • Certified Trainers
  • Industry-relevant Relevant curriculum
  • Placement Assistance
  • Multimedia Studio
  • FOSS Club
  • Online Varsity
  • Hands-On Training
  • Comprehensive Student Study Kit
  • Smart Board-Equipped Classroom
  • Blended Training Methodology- (Web-Based, Trainer-Based, and Computer-Based Training)
  • One Student To One Computer Training Labs
  • E-Projects To Enhance Real-Life Learning
  • Student Seminars and Workshops and Many More
Business Location Aptech Computer Education, plot 22 Entebbe Road, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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