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5 years ago

Greenfield Kids Foundation is a nonprofit that helps disadvantaged children and orphans in Rubanda district, southwestern Uganda. The foundation has established a Nursery and Primary School (Greenfield Nursery and Primary School), with classes ranging from preschool to primary seven. We are happy of all of the students who took the PLE 2018 examinations; they all passed well in Divisions 1 and 2, and their results qualified them to continue their study at the secondary level.

Akampurira Robert started the Greenfield Kids Foundation in 2009, with the goal of improving children's lives by providing them with an education and a higher standard of living. We are now serving 174 students ranging in age from 3 to 16 years old. We feel that we are more unique than the larger NGOs functioning in Africa. We take satisfaction in being able to show our contributors and sponsors exactly where their money is spent. We are a smaller organization, so we can focus the vast majority of our gifts to children and their educational needs.

Business Location The Greenfield Kids Foundation, Rubanda, Kabale Canuelas, Western Region, Uganda

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