Nyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari Camp

Durch Theeyeug
0 866
4 Jahre zuvor
20 km’s outside Fort Portal, borders Kibale Forest National Park
+256 712 984929 / +256 782 291577
Nyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari CampNyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari Camp is a resort in Uganda listed under the categories of Campsites & Hostels and Accommodation. Nyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari Camp is located: Nyinabulitwa Country Resort and Safari Camp, Entebbe, Uganda. You can call +256 712 984929 \ +256 782 291577 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in CAMPSITES & HOSTELS.Nyinabulitwa Country Resort UgandaNyinabulitwa Country Resort is located just about 20 kms off Fort Portal in the western part of Uganda. The resort surrounds Kibale Forest National Park acknowledged to be the most gorgeous tropical rainforest in the country with eye-catching birds and insects. It has different species of primates with about 1400 population of Chimpanzees.
Product Location 20 km’s outside Fort Portal, borders Kibale Forest National Park Capilla del Senor, Western Region, Uganda

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