Victoria Region Motel

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5 years ago
+256 772 878954

Victoria Region Motel is located on Kampala - Entebbe Road, Plot 198, in Entebbe. Guests who organize business events will enjoy the conference room.

Lodging and Convenience
The luxurious facilities in each guestroom leave little to be desired, including air conditioning.

Victoria Region Motel provides a variety of indoor and outdoor amenities for leisure activities. Take a deep dive into sports activities with the squash and golf practice facilities.

Exploration and sightseeing

The hotel is about 9.5 kilometers distant from the airport. Nature lovers might spend time discovering lakes or exploring the allure of the beach.

According to several guest evaluations, Victoria Region Motel will ensure a relaxing stay.

Business Location Victoria Region Motel, Entebbe, Uganda Belen de Escobar, Central Region, Uganda

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