Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology

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+256312165100 +256701817415

About our school


Excellence: UICT is committed to excellence in teaching, learning, research, engagement and support, and delivering quality in everything we do, supported through the provision of flexible pathways through education

Inclusiveness:  The Institute will foster diversity in its staff and student population, and provide equality of access for all, as well as to its stakeholders

Service:  UICT will take the time to understand the needs of its students, and stakeholders, and will be proactively responsive through the provision of solutions that meet the immediate and longer focus needs of its stakeholders

Innovation:  UICT values agility, creativity and entrepreneurial activities that support the advancement of its students and staff, the Institute and the country

Experience: UICT will provide a quality and supportive environment that encourages students to open their minds, experience Institute life and become rounded graduates, prepared for the world of work.



(Entry  requirements must have been obtained at the same sitting)
Diploma in Electronics & Communications Engineering (DECE)
Either: UACE with at least a principal pass in Math or Physics and 2 subsidiary passes obtained in principal subjects plus at least a credit in either Math or physics and 4 other passes at O’Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with at least 3 credits one of which should be in either Math or Physics, and a certificate in a relevant discipline from a recognized institution. *1
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (DEEE)
Same as above
Diploma in Computer Science (DCS)
UACE with at least a principal pass in any of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Food and Nutrition, Technical Drawing, Geography, Agriculture, Economics and Entrepreneurship AND 2 subsidiary passes obtained in principal subjects plus at least a credit in Math or Physics and 4 other passes at O’Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with at least three credits one of which should be in Math or Physics, and a certificate in a relevant discipline from a recognized institution. *1
Diploma in Information Technology Business (ITB)
Either: UACE with at least a principal pass and 2 subsidiary passes obtained in principal subjects AND 5 passes at O’ Level.  OR: UCE/O’ level with at least three credits and a Certificate from a recognized institution; 
Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)

Same as above

Diploma in Records and Archives Management (RAM)

Same as above

Diploma in Accounting and Finance (DAF)






Either: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least one principal pass in Economics or Mathematics with two subsidiaries obtained in principal subjects, and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or its equivalent; with five passes including a credit in Mathematics.

Or: A relevant certificate from a recognized Institution of higher learning and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or its equivalent; with five passes including a credit in Mathematics.

Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management  (PLM)

Either: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or its equivalent with at least one principal pass in any  subject and 2 subsidiaries obtained in principal subjects, and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with 5 passes including a credit in English or Mathematics

OR: A relevant certificate from a recognized institution of higher learning and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with 3 credits including Mathematics and English

Higher Education Certificate-HEC-Physical Sciences (Engineering) for one year

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least

Two subsidiary passes one of which should be in principal subjects or (One principal pass), and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or its equivalent; with three passes obtained at the same sitting.

OR: 1.Vocational qualifications at level 2 or 3 of the Uganda Vocational Framework

   2. An Ordinary Certificate from an institution recognized by NCHE.

Higher Education Certificate-HEC-Humanities(Business) for one year

Same as above

Higher Education Certificate-HEC-Humanities(Library and Information Science) for one year

Same as above

National  Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (NCIT) (Day & Evening session)
At least 3 passes at O’ Level 
National  Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance (NCEIS) (Day session)
At least 3 passes at O’ Level
National  Certificate in Records and Information Management.(NCRIM) (weekend only)
At least 3 passes at O’ Level
National  Certificate in Business Administration (NCBA)
At least 3 passes at O’ Level
The above amounts are subject to revision.
                                        Note:  *1  The duration of the certificate considered for diploma admission is at least 9 calendar months
                                                                                 2. Study Duration: two years for all Diploma programmes, one year for Higher Education certificate and two years for certificate programmes.


Business Location Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Plot 19-21 Port Bell Road, P.O Box 7187, Nakawa Kampala, Kampala, Uganda

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