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5 years ago

At Twist N' Bounce we have children play facilities like bouncy castles, bouncy mountain, trampoline, slides, swings, sand, building blocks, swimming, bicycle riding etc. We also offer hire services for bouncy castles at a very good price. We have enough space for children's parties and plenty of children's toys to play with.

We are located in a serene quiet environment right off Kkungu Road behind Victory Church. Our kitchen and bar are open to take any of your orders as you watch your children play.


TWIST N' BOUNCE is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Children's Play Facilities and Business. TWIST N' BOUNCE is located: Kkungu Road, Kyanja, Kampala, Uganda. You can call  or send us a message  .  For years we have been the best in BUSINESS - KAMPALA,  CHILDREN'S PLAY FACILITIES.

Business Location Kkungu Road, Kyanja, Kampala, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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