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5 years ago
+256 392 177 127 +256 414 697 719

Tuyambe Africa is a Ugandan NGO based and registered Germany that operates on the view of in general we cannot give too much to orphan children, But rather give. We provide essential services to people all over Uganda, the homeless, hungry, disabled, sick, orphans and those affected by natural disasters.

TUYAMBE AFRICA is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Ngo and Business. TUYAMBE AFRICA is located: Plot 1490, Gayaza Road Kubbiri Roundabout, Kampala (U). You can call +256 392 177 127 +256 414 697 719 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in NGO.

Business Location Plot 1490, Gayaza Road Kubbiri Roundabout, Kampala (U) Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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