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5 years ago
+256 701 483088

We are Uganda's Premier travel tour agency with a passion in offering exclusive, cultural, tailor-made, family, wild adventure safari and private luxury tours around East Africa.

TRAVELMONKE TOURS & TRAVEL is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Tour Operators and Travel & Tourism. TRAVELMONKE TOURS & TRAVEL is located: Zainab Aziz Emporium, Entebbe Road. Suite L7 C114. You can call +256 701 483088 or send us a message [email protected] .  For years we have been the best in TRAVEL & TOURISM - KAMPALA,  TOUR OPERATORS - KAMPALA.

Business Location Zainab Aziz Emporium, Entebbe Road. Suite L7 C114 Belen de Escobar, Central Region, Uganda

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