Spedag Interfreight

By Mondi
0 1281
4 years ago
+256 414 562000 / +256 312 562000
Spedag\nInterfreight Uganda Ltd is the leading clearing, forwarding and freight\nlogistics company in Uganda which provides end to end supply chain management.\nWe specialize in supply chain management, consolidation Services, Distribution\nLogistics, Project Logistics, Warehousing, Airfreight, Transports, Sea freight\nOverland and comprehensive Logistics.

Spedag Interfreight is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Air Freight and Business. Spedag Interfreight is located: M284 Nakawa Industrial Area, Nakawa, Kampala. You can call +256 414 562000 / +256 312 562000 or send us a message  .  For years we have been the best in BUSINESS - KAMPALA,  AIR FREIGHT.

Business Location M284 Nakawa Industrial Area, Nakawa, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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