Sizzling Hideout Guesthouse

By Admin
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5 years ago
+256786 325294

Sizzling Hideout provides flexible and cozy accommodations, a campsite with great cuisine served on sizzling barbecues, tasty pizzas, and a variety of snacks.

Sizzling Hideout Guesthouse, 15 Grant Road (opposite Lions Club), Jinja.

Sizzling Hideout is a Guesthouse in Uganda listed under the categories of Accommodation. Sizzling Hideout Guesthouse is located: 15 Grant Road, Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda. You can call or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in GUEST HOUSES.

Business Location Sizzling Hideout Guesthouse, 15 Grant Road, Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda Baradero, Eastern Region, Uganda

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