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5 years ago
+256773580437, +256700140044

SABOATH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED is a registered private company in Uganda. Here are some details about the company:

  1. Company Number: 80020001612413
  2. Status: Registered
  3. Company Type: Private / Company limited by shares
  4. Jurisdiction: Uganda
  5. Source: Uganda Registration Services Bureau (as of May 22, 2021)

Description: SABOATH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED provides construction services in Uganda. Whether it’s building houses, bridges, or bungalows, they aim to offer better and easier ways for clients to realize their construction dreams.

For years, they have been one of the best construction companies in Kampala, Uganda, specializing in construction and homes. If you need assistance with your construction project, feel free to reach out to SABOATH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED! 

Business Location SABOATH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED, Kisigula, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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