Rock Garden

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5 years ago
The restaurants At speke hotel have tasty, freshly cooked food served in a relaxed atmosphere that will give you the best restaurant experience in kampala. Be sure you will be dining at good value for your money.\n\nRock Garden Cafe is located in the eastern wing of Speke Hotel. Set under historical large trees causes an enjoyable cool breeze during the day, despite the hot weather normally experienced in Kampala. It is an ideal place for people on vacation or business for it offers a wide variety of specialty dishes. Particularly popular are the fresh lake fish dishes of Tilapia and Nile Perch. It has a romantic ambience in the evening that is further enhanced by the surrounding lighting.\n\nRock Garden Cafe offers a daily é  la carte menu of both Continental and African dishes. Popular is its Mongolian Buffet' this is a specialty served on Thursday evenings from 6 pm. The Continental cuisine can be enjoyed with a variety of South African and European wines. Rock Garden Cafe has to be the best place for Continental cuisine in Kampala town.

Rock Garden is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Bars and Entertainment. Rock Garden is located: Rock Garden, Speke Hotel, Nile Avenue, Kampala, Uganda. You can call or send us a message . For years we have been the best in BARS.

Business Location Rock Garden, Speke Hotel, Nile Avenue, Kampala, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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