We are dedicated to a totally comprehensive dental care approach that focuses on promoting health, rather than just treating oral diseases. Our goal is to provide a high level of expertise and service in a calm professional atmosphere combined with the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment.\n\nWith 11 years of experience in dentistry, and with the commitment of providing excellent results and quality patient care in his field, Dr. Kato Osman Lwanyaga decided to open up his own dental clinic in Bugolobi under the name of Pristine Dental Surgery from where he could cover the gap that has been left in the Dental industry over time and to satisfy the community's need for modern Dental Health care. Our practice employs cutting edge methods and modern technology in dentistry that we continuously update and upgrade to give our patients the highest level of care.
PRISTIINE DENTAL SURGERY is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Dental Clinics and Health & Wellness. PRISTIINE DENTAL SURGERY is located: 29 Luthuli Avenue, Bugolobi, Kampala. You can call 256 39 3216430 or send us a message . For years we have been the best in HEALTH - KAMPALA, DENTAL CLINICS - KAMPALA.
Business Location | 29 Luthuli Avenue, Bugolobi, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda |
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