Nkwanzi Courts

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5 years ago
(041) 4251878
Nkwanzi Court Apartments is located just off Acacia Avenue and has great living spaces to let. On offer is 3 units, each containing a two bedroom, 1 bathroom, fully furnished apartment for $1100. It has a balcony, garden and ample parking. Hi-speed internet as well as zero charge on the water bill is included. The property is located on Plot 1 Acacia Avenue: making it a 1 minute walk to Acacia Mall, Acacia Place, and the urbane Kisementi area. Its location within Kololo makes it a secure and quiet environment, and the Property has 24 hour armed security, as well as a perimeter fence. The apartment also boasts a panoramic view of Kololo hill, right from the bedroom window.

Nkwanzi Courts is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Apartments and Accommodation. Nkwanzi Courts is located: 1B Acacia Avenue, Kololo, Kampala. You can call (041) 4251878 or send us a message . For years we have been the best in APARTMENTS - KAMPALA.

Business Location nkwanzi courts, plot 1B Acacia Avenue, Kololo, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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