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4 years ago
+256 772 464631

For high quality customer focused civil engineering and construction solutions

Mutoni Construction was established in 2007 to fulfill the growing demand for telecoms turnkey services. Mutoni Construction has evolved into a full-service construction company in response to rapid developments in Uganda's construction and building industry, positioning itself as a civil works sector leader. Mutoni Construction works throughout East Africa and has just established a branch office in Kigali, Rwanda.

MUTONI CONSTRUCTION U LTD is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Construction and Business. MUTONI CONSTRUCTION U LTD is located: 2489 off Kamuli Road, Naalya, Kampala. You can call +256 772 464631 or send us a message [email protected] .  For years we have been the best in CONSTRUCTION - KAMPALA.

Business Location 2489 off Kamuli Road, Naalya, Kampala Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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