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4 years ago

MHH International gives you unprecedented access to some of the biggest car dealers stock for sale. Our unrivalled trade partnerships give you visibility to a wealth of vehicles. We can find you almost any make & model very quickly and buy it on your behalf. Simply choose our FOB, CIF or DDP (delivered duty paid) service and we'll export your car efficiently and conveniently as possible.

MHH INTERNATIONAL LTD is listed under the categories of Vehicles and Automotive. MHH INTERNATIONAL LTD is located: NBSV Office Suite, 4th Floor, The Pavillion Building, Lower Kabete, Westlands Nairobi.. You can call +44(0)1483 275756 or send us a message [email protected].

For years we have been the best in VEHICLES - KAMPALA, CAR EXPORTERS.

Business Location NBSV Office Suite, 4th Floor, The Pavillion Building, Lower Kabete, Westlands Nairobi. Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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