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5 years ago
+256 (0) 775 955212

Malaica Events is a professional events company specializing in the following products:

  1. Events Planning and Coordination
    For those who have planned their event, but desire professional planning, coordination and execution of their signature day. Relax and enjoy your celebration leave the details to us!
  2. Events consultations
    For the couple or individuals who desire professional guidance throughout the planning process including venue selection, vendor selection and signature event design. Let us save you time and money and help you plan.
  3. Events Decoration
    We offer a comprehensive events package for those who desire professionally executed decor layouts of their signature events. We offer a stress-free journey to create your signature function!

MALAICA EVENTS is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Events Companies and Business. MALAICA EVENTS is located: Rubaga, Kampala, Uganda. You can call +256 (0) 775 955212 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in BUSINESS - KAMPALA, EVENTS COMPANIES KAMPALA.

Business Location Rubaga, Kampala, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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