Lake Victoria Sailing Safaris

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4 years ago
+256 754 730023
Why not treat yourself to a Lake Victoria sunset cruise? With Lake Victoria as one of the largest lakes in the world; we offer, from Entebbe late afternoon cruises by boat out towards the equator line or local islands to view the sun over the horizon. Watch the fishermen cast their nets and enjoy the snacks and drinks provided on board.

Lake Victoria Sailing Safaris is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Sailing Safaris and Sports & Outdoors. Lake Victoria Sailing Safaris is located: Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda. You can call +256 754 730023 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in SPORTS & OUTDOORS, SAILING SAFARIS.

Business Location Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda Baradero, Eastern Region, Uganda

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