IGLOOS CONSULTANCY SERVICES is a leading service provide for Translation Services, legal and Education related matters in Uganda and across the region. Our firm provides Document translation, Interpreting Services, Audio/ Video Transcription Services, Proofreading and Editing Services in different languages as well consulting in education and legal related matters to both Ugandan and International Clients.
We provide translation services for all Ugandan languages and other African and world languages. Some of the languages we handle include French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic , Norwegian, Swahili, Luganda, Acholi and other local languages. With a team of professional linguists including Translators, Interpreters, Transcribers and editors, you can therefore be sure of getting high quality services. We have experienced project managers to handle each client's since each client's project as a certain level of uniqueness. Besides, we are currently serving several reputable organizations and institutions in Uganda and across the world. Get in touch today for quality translation, education and legal services.
IGLOOS CONSULTANCY SERVICES is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Translators & Interpreters and Education. IGLOOS CONSULTANCY SERVICES is located: Plot 124,Jinja Road Kireka. Lico Holdings House , Second Floor. You can call 257000000000 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in EDUCATION KAMPALA, TRANSLATORS & INTERPRETERS, CONSULTANTS, EDUCATION, WEB DEVELOPER .
Business Location | Plot 124,Jinja Road Kireka. Lico Holdings House , Second Floor Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda |
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