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5 years ago

iBM Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Ltd Uganda is a trusted supplier of quality ready mix concrete / premixed concrete to both the building and civil construction industries in Uganda-Kampala. Since 2014, iBM Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Ltd Uganda has been hard at work offering our customers great quality products that are reliable and innovative. We have a team of industry experts available to provide you with advice on numerous aspects related to ready-mix concrete and the effective handling thereof.
-Pre mixed Concrete Suppliers in Uganda (Grade 20 35)
-Ready mixed Concrete Products Kampala
-Concrete Mixers Uganda
-Concrete Pumps Uganda
-Cement Bulker

iBM Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Ltd Uganda has been a concrete supplier in Uganda-Kampala for over 10 years. Our top priority is supplying quality ready mix products and personal service. iBM Ready-Mix Concrete Co. Ltd Uganda has a broad customer base which includes, but is not limited to; Masons, Concrete House Slab Contractors, Commercial Concrete Tilt Up Contractors, Mid Rise Construction, State and Federal projects. Our professional services are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our customers choose iBM Ready Mix as their concrete supplier throughout the Uganda Kampala because we deliver on our promise.


iBM READY MIX CONCRETE UGANDA COMPANY LTD is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Ready Mix Concrete and Construction And Homes. iBM READY MIX CONCRETE UGANDA COMPANY LTD is located: Unnamed Road, Matugga, Uganda. You can call  or send us a message [email protected] .  For years we have been the best in CONSTRUCTION AND HOMES KAMPALA,  READY MIX CONCRETE.

Business Location Unnamed Road, Matugga, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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