Health Tutors College Mulago

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About our school

This is the only Health Tutors’ College in the Country and it is strategically located in Mulago Hospital Complex. It has been in existence since 1969.
Health Tutors’ College Mulago (HTC Mulago) is a health tutor training Institution under Ministry of Education and Sports. It is affiliated to Makerere University through the College of Education and External Studies (CEES).
HTC Mulago trains tutors in all health related disciplines who upon completion of their training, are responsible to train health workers in health training Institutions, whom after training work in health facilities all over the country and beyond.


The college started in the 1960s with only fourteen (14) students mainly offering diploma in health tutorship in nursing. But, due to the demand in other health disciplines, the college found it necessary to include midwives and other allied health professionals.

A Tradition of Success

From 2010, the college also upgraded from diploma in health tutorship to Bachelors degree courses. Currently, the college offers three programmes; namely, Bachelor in Medical Education (EDM), Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Education (PGDME) and Higher Diploma in Clinical Instruction with an average number of about two hundred (200) tutor students.

Business Location Health Tutors College Mulago, Mulago hospital complex, Kampala, Uganda

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