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5 years ago
+256 750 55 11 44

Green Yard Gardeners ltd is a fully registered, licensed and certified gardening and landscaping company. This company is certified by the Association of Gardening and Landscaping Industries in Uganda.We offers the following services;
1. Compound Design.
2. Landscape architect (designing landscape plans).
3. Laying Pavers (all patterns, styles and designs)
4. Compound maintenance (Daily, Weekly & Monthly).
5. Selling both potted and non potted plants (flowers, trees, shrubs).
6. Grass cutting/lawn mowing
7. Planting Flowers, Shrubs & Grass.
8. Hedge/ fence trimming & pruning.
9. Pest control (Fumigation both in & outdoor).
10. Rooftop & paver cleaning.
11. Backyard Vegetable and herbs gardens preparation.
12. Gardening/ Landscape consultancy & advisory services.
13. Constructing retaining walls, laying gravels, designing walkways & installing cabs

GREEN YARD GARDENERS LTD is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Gardening & Landscaping and Construction And Homes. GREEN YARD GARDENERS LTD is located: Kalungi muyenga. You can call +256 750 55 11 44 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in GARDENING & LANDSCAPING KAMPALA, MUYENGA, FUMIGATION & PEST CONTROL - KAMPALA, FLOWER SHOP - KAMPALA, BUSINESS & SHOPPING, GARDENING & LANDSCAPING, HOME DECOR.

Business Location Kalungi muyenga Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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