Entebbe Pizza

By Admin
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5 years ago
+256 778 740281

Great pizza's, pies and fries in Entebbe
Eat in, take away or have your food delivered to your home, place of work or anywhere a Boda-Boda can reach you like at the beach.
Restaurant and take-away. For deliveries please call +256 778 740281.

Entebbe Pizza is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Cafe's and Food & Drinks. Entebbe Pizza is located: Kitoro Road, Entebbe, Uganda. You can call +256 778 740281 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in ENTEBBE, CAFÉ'S, BARS, PIZZERIA - ENTEBBE .

Business Location Kitoro Road, Entebbe, Uganda Belen de Escobar, Central Region, Uganda

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