Dr. Laure Tourame - French Doctor in Uganda / Mé©decin Frané§ais en Ouganda

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4 years ago
+256 392 177283

GP trained and qualified in France. French and English-speaking.

Dr. Laure Tourame - French Doctor in Uganda / Mé©decin Frané§ais en Ouganda is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of General Practitioners and Health & Wellness. Dr. Laure Tourame - French Doctor in Uganda / Mé©decin Frané§ais en Ouganda is located: Dr. Laure Tourame, The Clinic At The Mall, 2nd Floor, Village Mall, Bugolobi.. You can call +256 392 177283 or send us a message [email protected] .  For years we have been the best in HEALTH - KAMPALA,  GENERAL PRACTITIONERS - KAMPALA.

Business Location Dr. Laure Tourame, The Clinic At The Mall, 2nd Floor, Village Mall, Bugolobi. Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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