Clarke Junior School

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5 years ago
+256 781906603

Clarke Junior School is a Ugandan curriculum school with a difference. It develops life long learners thought our teaching philosophy keep on inquiring, keep on discovering, keep on learning. We deliver the Ugandan curriculum by using effective global teaching and learning techniques.
Our lake side campus is purpose-built to aid learning, in a beautiful setting with views of lake Victoria.
Our head teacher Ms Katherine Tucker has extensive global education experience as a consultant and a teacher.

Clarke Junior School is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Pre-school and Education. Clarke Junior School is located: Unnamed Road, Kampala, Uganda. You can call +256 781906603 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in EDUCATION KAMPALA, PRE-SCHOOLS, PRIMARY SCHOOLS.

Business Location Unnamed Road, Kampala, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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