Botherine Consultancy Ltd

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5 years ago
+256 700 193 540

Botherine Consultancy is an innovative company based in Entebbe, Uganda that provides full featured and affordable solutions. Botherine Consultancy houses a team of specialists with vast combined experience to offer you the best consultation services that include advocacy, IT solutions, business consultation.

Botherine Consultancy Ltd is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Computer Maintenance & Repairs and Business. Botherine Consultancy Ltd is located: Entebbe, Central Region, Uganda. You can call +256 700 193 540 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in COMPUTER MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS - ENTEBBE, CONSULTANTS, WEBSITE DESIGN - ENTEBBE, WEBSITE HOSTING .

Business Location Entebbe, Central Region, Uganda Belen de Escobar, Central Region, Uganda

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