AUCS Internet Cafe

By Admin
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4 years ago

AUCS has fast internet on their computers. And fast wireless for people who need it. We have competent staff to handle all IT requests and security services.

This company is an initiative by an Australian Human Rights specialist, who demonstrates her principles in the set up of this business.

Warmly recommended.

AUCS Internet Cafe is a business in Uganda listed under the categories of Internet Cafes and Business. AUCS Internet Cafe is located: Kampala - Entebbe Road, Lyamutundwe, Central Region, Uganda. You can call 705844506 or send us a message [email protected] . For years we have been the best in INTERNET CAFES, WEBSITE DESIGN - ENTEBBE, WEBSITE HOSTING.

Business Location Kampala - Entebbe Road, Lyamutundwe, Central Region, Uganda Adrogue, Central Region, Uganda

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